Friday, 16 September 2016

10 Tips for Removing Blackheads or Whiteheads at Home.

Blackheads or whiteheads are the common problem which appears on every person’s skin. Peoples has different methods of getting rid from those blackheads or whiteheads like some people simply go to salon and have facial there while some  peoples remove blackheads at home by themselves using blackheads removing tools but some peoples still irritating and finding the reasonable ways for getting rid of this common problem. Nowadays there are so many remedies for this purpose but some are working and some are not.

This article will cover 10 best proven tips for removing blackheads or whiteheads at home easily and quickly. These remedies works even best for every type of skin whether it’s oily or dry, hard or sensitive. These ingredients are basically using in very traditional methods for skin care so as you know old is gold.

Here we go: 

Tip #1. Lemon and baking soda: works so amazingly and this is very traditional method for removing black or whiteheads at home. Just mix both ingredients in a bowl and rub on effected area gently in a circular motion at-least for 2-3 minutes then wash it off with warm water.

Tip #2. Orange peel: contain more nutrients than the inside part of orange and it’s traditionally use in face masks. So, all you need is just take an orange peel it of using knife and rub this peel on your nose gently in circular motion at-least for 3-5 minutes then wash it off with warm water.

Tip #3. Honey and cinnamon powder: just mix both ingredients in a bowl and rub gently on your nose or other effected area at-least for 1-3 minutes to get the best results. Honey known the best for treating lots of skin issues and cinnamon can be used for treating acne scars.

Tip #4. Olive oil and ground coffee: both ingredients are well known in the world of beauty and both are multipurpose for maintaining skin health. Just mix them well and rub on your nose or other effected area at-least for 3-5 minutes and simply wash your face with your favorite face wash.

Tip #5. Tomatoes and lemon juice: are great for getting tighter and brighter skin also for removing blackheads. Just peel a tomato and then mash it we need 1 teaspoon for this now put half teaspoon on lemon juice in it now mix them well and gently rub on your skin at-least for 1-2 minutes then leave it as a mask for another 4 minutes now wash it off with warm water.

Tip #6. Yogurt and chickpea flour: take 1 tablespoon of yogurt and 1 tablespoon of chickpea flour mix them well and start rubbing this mixture on your nose and other effected skin at-least for 5 minutes then wash it off with warm water. Yogurt works great as a skin softener and it’s also anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. Chickpea flour works to reduce dark spots and blackheads or whiteheads.

Tip #7. Raw egg with honey: just mix both ingredients in a bowl and use it on your face as a mask at-least for 7-10 minutes then first remove it like you remove any other peel off mask and then wash your face with cold water. Honey contain the best properties that’s help just not to remove blackheads but also treating lots of other skin problems and egg traditionally used as a bleaching for skin in salons.

Tip #8. Whole wheat flour: is one of my favorite method for removing blackheads or whiteheads easily and quickly. I used this once in 15 days and it’s so amazingly working on my skin. All you need to do is just wet your face first now dab some whole wheat flour on your face and start rubbing really gently in a circular motion at-least for 3-5 minutes and then wash it off with warm water (simple and easy).

Tip #9. Aloe Vera mask: is multipurpose mask for maintaining skin health it has so many advantages including black or whiteheads removing. All you need is just peel off the aloe Vera and use its gel mask on your face. Now close your eyes and rest for 10-15 minutes then simply wash it off with warm water.

Tip #10. Avocado paste: cut avocado from bottom and take out some avocado from insider area now mash it properly and apply on your nose or other effected skin. Rub it gently in a circular motion at-least for 5-7 minutes then wash it off with warm water. This works great also for oily or sensitive skin type.

Please tell us if you have tried any of these tips if yes then we will love to see your best feedback to this article. Thanks for coming here hope you like these tips if yes then do give us lots of thumbs up and share this also don’t forget to subscribe to this site to get more free tips that’s help you do things more easily.

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